Thursday 4 August 2011

Lamb To The Slauhghter...

Our English Studies lecturer , Mr Camillus told us to do a scene of the Lamb To The Slaughter short story and we chose the scene where Mary Maloney had a chat with her husband, Patrick Maloney, about something that could make Mary Maloney's heart broke because Patrick said that he would leave Mary.

Mary had a chat with Patrick...
At first, Mary did not want to believe her husband said, but her mind became confuse and more confuse. Then, Mary told her husband that she wanted to make supper for her husband and Patrick did not stop her. As Mary walk, she did not feel anything because her mind was concentrating on what Patrick had said just now. Automatically, Mary's hand took a leg of lamb from the cabinet and she made her way to the upstairs bringing along the thing which she found just now. While she was walking, Patrick told Mary not to do supper for him. With a frustrated feeling and without hesitation, Mary knocked down her husband with the leg of lamb. Pity for her husband, Patrick died after the strong blast...


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