Thursday 4 August 2011

'Birthday' review . :D

'Birthday' by Lee Kok Liang . :D 

This week we had learned a short story titled "Birthday" by Lee Kok Liang . We found this story was very interesting and fell sorry to the protagonist because no one celebrate her birthday . Even though , the title was Birthday , this story was about a match-making . 
'Happy Birthday' in chinese calligraphy . :D 
 Theme . 
The story is mainly about the match-making between the protagonist, 'she', and Uncle Teng. The protagonist's Grandmother is very particular and serious about this matter. Her Grandmother had planned everything with the a guy named Uncle Teng. But, in the end, when they had dinner, the protagonist spilled the curry onto his trouser and made her Grandmother furious. The second theme we thought that appear in this story is abuse towards a young woman . The protagonist (she)  is physically and mentally abused. She was asked to do household chores all the time. She was not allowed to have dinner after she spilled the curry onto Uncle Teng's trousers. We fell very sorry to the protagonist . 

Plot .

Exposition .
+The story stared by the protagonist stare to a boy's eyeball . The author also try to describe about setting and the protagonist has been introduced to "Uncle Teng" . :D 

Rising Action . 
+The protagonist's Grandmother and Uncle Teng were having conversation. After a while, she got up and went to the loft. There, she tidied herself up. Then, she lit the candles as the day turn to night. The protagonist also asked by her Grandmother to wake C.B and she was off to prepare dinner.

Climax .
+The protagonist spilled the curry onto Uncle Teng's trousers

Falling Action .    
+The protagonist was cleaning the mess. She was scolded by her Grandmother and was forbided to have dinner.

Resolution .  
 + The protagonist went back to her room. She was called as "clumsy bitch" by her Grandmother.   

Characters . 

The grandmother .

  • The grandmother is judgmental.

  • She is very strict. She always wanted the best from her granddaughter, the protagonist. She even forbided her granddaughter to have dinner just because her granddaughter spilled the curry onto Uncle Teng's trouser.

  •  She .

    • She is obedient. She follows her Grandmother's plan to get married to Uncle Teng.
    • She is lady like. She cooks and seems to be a very gentle and soft person.
    • She loves children. She wants to have her own child someday.

    Uncle Teng .
    • He is forgiving. When the protagonist spilled the curry onto him, he defended the protagonist. Through this, we can also see that he is a very patient person. 

    C.B .

    • Either a relative or the sibling of the protagonist.
    • Adored by the Grandmother.
    • He was not asked to do the chores like the protagonist.

    Happy Birthday to the Protagonist , :D 


    1. 1. There's no part mentioning eyeball.
      2. Can you state any part that shows Uncle Teng defended the protagonist?
      3. Is there any proof that Uncle Teng is a patient person?

    2. 1.sorry for the eyeball . I've mix the story 'The Tell-Tale Heart' , i were confused :D . others question will be answer after I buy a laptop . HAHA > :D
