Thursday 13 October 2011

Overview For English Studies.

 Afiq's :-

          This semester almost finish and I have learnt many things from the English Studies subject which is taught by my beloved Mr. Camillus. My first thought is I think literature is not easy but when I learn, I know that literature is fun. Literature tells us about life, death, love, war, sadness, happiness and many other things. It is not a loss if we study and appreciate literature because it will teach us to understand the things that happen. 

          As for the short stories, The Story of an Hour is about a woman who heard sad news about her husband who died in the railroad disaster. She could not accept it and believed that her husband was still alive. But her sister convinced her that her husband had gone and at the end of the story, the woman’s husband was still alive and she was shocked until death greeted her. Then, A rose for Emily tells us about a life of a rich woman who is lack of love from her father and no one has ever love her until she fancies a man who is named Homer Baron. Emily would kill Homer Baron because of her love to him. The Tell-Tale Heart narrates the story about a mad man who killed an old man without relevant causes. The man killed the old man just because of his eye and this was nonsense. Lamb to the Slaughter depictures a story of a woman who loves her husband very much but her husband has intention to leave her. Suddenly, the woman kills her husband perhaps because of jealousy.

Fawwaz's :-
My syllabus in English Studies subject has finished. Our lecturer, Mr. Camillus teaches us with patience and full of kindness. Our beloved and lovely lecturer helps us to conquer and understand what literature is. Before this, I really don’t understand why people learnt literature and all stuff like that, but after we having learning process together and after met some poems that were very interesting; my heart starts accept the presence of literature in my life. As I am going to be a teacher someday, I think that literature should be teach for all level of students in order to make them understand the meaning of classic language and know types of literary devices.
Our syllabus of English Studies consists of 10 short stories and 10 poems that we had learnt together. Literature plays roles in any part of life. It can describe many types of situation like war, love and sadness. From all of the stories and poems, I can conclude that one of the short stories affects my learning in literature that is, The Tell-Tale Heart by Edgar Allan Poe. The storyline of this story is very interesting and sometimes make my heart touched. A murderer and obsession of a guy, that’s all, make my heart fall in love with this story. Lastly, i would like to study literature for next semester and hopefully literature will remain forever. 

Literature :))